I think every blog is obligated to have a 'Hello world' first blog post, so here is mine. My 'About Me' covers the basics, but this website is about it all. I like to try new things, in the photo world and everywhere else. Sometimes, it goes really well and sometimes ... it doesn't. I hope you find this area of my site informative, entertaining, and a glimpse into my little corner of the world.
I also write about my photography journey, and to start that, I want to include an introduction to Flickr. Flickr is sort of the photographer's forgotten website. It does it all - hosts images, shows EXIF data (which I have opted to do here as well) and the kicker - it used to have really robust groups that were really supportive, helpful and informative. When I was a beginning photographer, it really helped me. Flickr has gone through a couple of iterations, and while other sites have come and gone in popularity, it remains a good site for inspiration.
Click below if you'd like to join my brand-new Flickr Group, or just to see the Flickr 'Explore' page to see some great photos from around the world.